Modernization of Primary Education in the Ottoman State and the Jews of Turkey

[Yayınevi]: Akademisyen Kitabevi

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  • İç Sayfa Özellikleri:  Renksiz

  • Kapak Tipi:  Ciltsiz

  • Sayfa Sayısı:  78

  • Basım Yılı:  2022

  • DOI Link:  10.37609/akya.1169

  • BISAC:  HIS022000

  • ISBN Numarası:  9786258399110

  • Basım Sayısı:  1

  • Kitap Dili:  İngilizce


  1. A Brief Overview of the Jews in the OttomanState
  2.   View to Primary Education at the OttomanEmpire
  3.   The Ottoman State and the Adventural Cultural Organization of the Jews inEurope
  4. Adventure of Modernization of the Primary Education System in the Jews of Turkey Conclusio

References Attachments




The relationship between the Ottoman Empire and the Jews started in the 16th century. In the 15th cen- tury, JewsinEuropewereexpelledfromEngland,FranceandtheIberianpeninsuladueto“anti-Semitism”. In addition to the local Jews living on the territory of the Ottoman Empire, those expelled from Europe settled in these lands in a free environment. They established a solid relationship with the Turks based on trust.Especiallyapartfromthosecomingfrommostpartsoftheworld,SephardimJewsformedtheinnova- tivesocietyofthestatewiththeirintellectualcharacter.TheJews,whousedtohavebankingandtrade,lost their powerful positions to Greeks and Armenians over time. They declined in the 19th century. Education focused on traditional religious education started to change in terms of primary education. In particular, thereformistJewishorganizationAllianceIsraeliteUniverselleandtheschoolsestablishedbymissionaries from abroad began to provide western-style education in the 19th century. The Ottoman Empire collapsed attheendoftheBalkanWarsandtheFirstWorldWar.TheRepublicof Turkey wasestablishedinitsplace. Inthisprocess,theprimaryeducationpolicyoftheJewsintheselands,thetransformationoftheeducation system,theschoolstheyopenedandtheirculturalidentitieswererevealed.Theeventsaffectingknowledge productionandchangewererevealedwiththeperspectiveofbasiceducation.

  • Renksiz

  • Ciltsiz

  • 78

  • 2022

  • 10.37609/akya.1169

  • HIS022000

  • 9786258399110

  • 1

  • İngilizce


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